Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Election conference of the primary trade union organization of the University students

On August 22 2023, an extraordinary election conference of the primary trade union organization of the University students took place at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. The conference was held in the hall of the Academic Council.

The conference was opened with a welcoming speech by the Deputy Vice-Rector for Educational Activities, Vasyl Valeriyovych Bugas.

In the course of the report and election conference, the following were elected:

- the new head of the primary trade union organization of KNUTD students, Tetiana Sіnkevych (Group BPUA-1-21);

- the deputy head of the primary trade union organization of KNUTD students, Myroslava Molochko (Group BMN-1-21)


- the members of the trade union committee, namely:

Olha Semenenko (Group BDs2-21);

Maria Maisak (Group BSh-1-21);

Dmytro Davidyuk (Group BKhT-1-21);

Sofia Podik (Group BVM-1-21);

Viktoriia Liulka (Group BIT-1-21);

Yevhen Korzh (Group BKI-1-21);

Maxym Shevchenko (Group BFR-21).

- the revision commission consisting of:

Kseniia Samoilenko (Group BMR-1-22);

Yevheniia Naіdenko (Group BDh-2-20);

Dariia Bilotska (Group BPT-1-21).

- the delegates to the election conference of the Kyiv City Branch of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine, the newly elected head of the trade union committee and her deputy: Tetiana Sіnkevych and Myroslava Molochko.

We wish success and inspiration to the newly elected chairman and the trade union committee!
