Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Padun / Володимир Володимирович Падун – a contemporary artist, a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, a regular participant in the art commune "Squat on Olehivska Street", and an assistant at the Department of Multimedia Design at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD).
He graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (the Faculty of Painting, the Department of Monumental Art, 1996). One of the founders of the art association "Kholodny VEL" (Squat on Olehivska Street). His artistic practice includes painting, happening, and performance art.
He has Honors and Awards: Diploma from the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Kyiv City State Administration (March 12, 2013); Award from the Head of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (2016); Letter of Appreciation from the Deputy Head of the Operational-Search Unit (Deputy Head of the Operational-Search Department in Volnovakha) of the Eastern Regional Directorate for a significant contribution during the execution of tasks by the personnel of the ORU and for providing practical assistance to the operational-combat border commandant's office "Volnovakha"; Medal "For Sacrifice and Love for Ukraine" from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, awarded by Patriarch Filaret (May 25, 2016); Letter of Appreciation for a significant personal contribution to strengthening Ukraine's national security (May 28, 2017); Letter of Appreciation from the Head of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine for personal contribution to defending state sovereignty, territorial integrity, strengthening defense capabilities, and security of Ukraine, on the occasion of the Ukrainian Volunteer Day (March 14, 2017); Badge of Honor "Volunteer" from the Commander of the Volunteer Cossack Company BUK (March 14, 2017); Certificate of Honor from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "For Services to the Ukrainian People" (March 13, 2018).
The "ANTIDOTE" art project is dedicated to the theme of war and peace. In everyone’s life, there is an event that divides existence into before and after. Almost every citizen of our society has received a near-lethal dose of the poison of war in one form or another. This psychological toxin causes a persistent headache – like the ringing and buzzing of a 2014 concussion – haunting everyone who is drinking coffee, petting a cat, raising a child, or reading these lines right now.
Not only Ukrainian society but also the entire world now exists in a bipolar state – either on the verge of life and death or in pursuit of personal gain through online shopping, failing to find a bridge of communication to overcome this exhausting mental and social schizophrenia. By identifying and artistically portraying this bipolar condition, the "ANTIDOTE" project serves as a guide to that very bridge – a path between two psychological extremes.
The personal goal of the artist, veteran Volodymyr Padun, is to demonstrate through his example that the only way to counteract the poison of post-traumatic syndrome is to CREATE LIFE. Moreover, the project aims to encourage the audience to reflect on the idea that if we had a better understanding of our history, culture, traditions, achievements, and mistakes, an antidote to war would not be needed.
Promoting Ukrainian cultural products worldwide is crucial, and the mission of the "ANTIDOTE" project is to showcase to the world the contemporary Ukrainian artistic interpretation of both the war in Ukraine and war as a phenomenon. At first glance, the works in this project seem to depict a peaceful life – there is a steppe sown with poppies and dandelions reaching for the sky in the golden sunlight. And then, suddenly – a bird perches on a spoil tip made of stones and shell casings.
The canvas for these paintings is the pixelated camouflage fabric of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, while the techniques used include oil and acrylic paints.
Васька. 130х190. 2016р. п. а. ол.
Весна 2022. 80х90. 2022р. п. а. ол.
Замамаїло. 140х200. 2018р. п. а. ол.
Зв'язок. 60х100. 2022р. п. а. ол.
Кульбаби. 190х390. 2016р. п. а. ол.
Мотолига. 130х190. 2016р. п. а. ол.
Постріл. 150х155. 2023р. п. а. ол.
Ціль захоплена. 40х60. 2022р. п. а. ол.
h-Гаваї. 140х200. 2017р. п. а. ол.
Абетка. 120х82. 2017р. ПВХ, цифровий друк