Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



Anatoly SHAPOVAL, honorary professor of KNUTD, member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine, professor at Department of Multimedia Design KNUTD.

Education: Ukrainian Polygraphic Institute named after Ivan Fedorov, the Department of Book Graphics, graphic artist, KNUTD, master's degree in design.

Research interests: development of corporate style and photography. Author of scientific publications on graphic design: theory and history of corporate style, photography, and graphic design.

Works creatively in easel graphics and painting, computer graphics, photography, and book illustration. Uses various graphic techniques (airbrush, rapidographs, etching, etc.). Participant in many exhibitions, and his works are exhibited in Ukraine and abroad.

Courses taught: "Computer graphics", "Design graphics", "Project graphics (by types)".

The art exhibition "Ukraine is WE!" is a creative project that highlights the present of our lives, presenting a collection of 22 works by a talented artist who demonstrates his mastery in airbrush techniques – tempera and acrylic. This unique opportunity opens the way for viewers to stop and see the richness of today's colors, reproduced in the creative experiments of the artist in the style of subrealism.

Subrealism is an artistic method in art based on the reproduction of reality. Almost all Ukrainian realist artists touched upon the national question to one degree or another: they revealed the peculiarities of the national character, emphasized the specifics of Ukrainian humour, reproduced folk beliefs and stereotypes, and paid considerable attention to every day and ethnographic details.

Visitors to the exhibition have the opportunity to feel the atmosphere of features of the outside world that permeates each painting, as well as to feel like a part of this amazing artistic world, which helps to understand their own thoughts and aspirations.

The exhibition "Ukraine is WE!" was created not only to enjoy the beauty but also to study the craftsmanship behind the works of art, so visitors can better appreciate the skill and dedication of the artist who worked on the paintings.


Квіти Чорнобиля, темпера, акрил, 60х80 см

Ваговози, 40х30 см, олівець, папір тонований

Україна – це ми! 60х80 см, 1 диптих, темпера, акрил.

Україна – це ми! 60х80 см, 2 диптих, темпера, акрил

What’s on a womans mind, 40х40 см, темпера, акрил

Impression / Враження, 110х50 см, олія

Шах та мат. Ферзевий гамбіт, 60х40 см., аерографія. темпера, акрил

Ісус Христос – Спаситель світу і Син Божий, 60х80 см., аерографія. темпера, акрил

Щастя, 60х40 см, аерографія, олія

Хмари, 110х50 см, аерографія, олія

Дон Кіхот, 60х80 см., темпера, акрил

Комета Хейла Боппа, 110х50 см, аерографія

Картинографія робіт

Ілюстрації до журналу «Добрі поради»

Ілюстрації до журналу «Добрі поради»

Ілюстрації до журналу «Добрі поради»

Фотографіка, Киця Мура, А3

Розробка лого

Розробка стели до 330-річчя від дня народження Г.Сковороди

Ескізи пам’ятних монет

Замальовки. Олівець, папір