Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Information for participants of the Advanced Training Programme "Use of Information, Communication and Digital Technologies in the Educational Process"

The advanced training programme "Use of Information, Communication and Digital Technologies in the Educational Process" was developed within the framework of the Erasmus+ project "INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF VIRTUAL YOUTH BUSINESS HUBS" VEHUB4YOU, co-funded by the European Union and implemented by the project teams of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, University of Foggia (Italy), RISEBA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia), Mingachevir State University (Azerbaijan), Kyiv Youth Education and Training Centre KETY (Ukraine), and the International NGO Institute for Social and Economic Initiatives (ISEI) (Ukraine) with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Project description. The grant project focuses on the transfer of business knowledge from the EU to young people (13 to 30 years old) through virtual exchange technologies. The consortium members will make joint efforts to organise a network of international virtual business centres and business training for high school students, college and university students of economic and non-economic specialities in Ukraine by creating an INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF VIRTUAL YOUTH BUSINESS HUBS, which includes 60 virtual international business hubs in schools, universities in Ukraine and Azerbaijan. European universities, with the help of universities and youth organisations in Italy, Latvia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan, will share their business courses and teaching experience with young people from the Eastern Partnership countries. As a result, the project will involve 1,800 representatives from 60 hubs and 250 facilitators from the Eastern partner countries, as well as 220 participants from other regions.

The purpose of the Programme is to improve the competence of educators in the use of information, communication and digital technologies in virtual exchanges and learning.

The participants of the Professional Development Programme are: school teachers, teachers of higher and secondary specialised education institutions, who, as a result of their participation in the Programme, become facilitators and, together with teams (students or pupils), create virtual digital business hubs in their educational institutions.   

Next class: June 27, 2024 at 11 a.m.

Link to the ZOOM conference

Conference ID: 840 7051 4906

Pass: 599456

Course duration: 180 hours (6 credits)

Form of study: distance learning (synchronous and asynchronous classes, international virtual mobility)

Participation in the Advanced Training Programme is free of charge for project partners and participants

Implementation period: 6 months

The active phase of the training is from February to June 2024.

Summing up, final conference and issuance of internationally recognised certificates

international standard - September 2024

Frequency of classes: synchronous online classes - 2 times a month, asynchronous classes

independent study of the materials provided, completion of tasks, preparation and

implementation of virtual exchanges in the established business hubs - during the course of the study

Responsible: Faculty of Management and Business Design of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design

Contact person: Project Manager, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Business Design of KNUTD, Doctor of Economics, Professor Oleksandra Olshanska, +38068-441-23-08

More about the grant and opportunities on the website:
