Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, according to the authoritative international ranking Times Higher Education - THE University Impact Rankings 2024, is in the world list of universities that make the greatest contribution to sustainable development.

Times Higher Education identifies and recognizes universities that successfully achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and demonstrate comprehensive excellence in contributing to global sustainable development. By achieving development goals, universities demonstrate their commitment to solving the world’s most pressing challenges, including environmental sustainability, social integration, economic growth and partnerships.

Universities included in this ranking are recognized for their comprehensive impact in several dimensions of sustainable development, making a significant contribution to creating a sustainable and resilient future. Broad excellence highlights the importance of holistic approaches to global challenges and the critical role of academia in driving sustainable change.

In 2024, THE evaluated 2,152 universities from 125 countries/regions to compile an overall impact ranking. The impact ranking methodology aggregates scores across several SDGs to reflect overall performance and impact: SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals (22%). The weighting of the points reflects the university’s efforts to promote strong international partnerships and cooperation to achieve all the SDGs. Top three results from other SDGs (26% each).

The ranking takes into account the three highest scores from the other SDGs for each university, recognizing their areas of greatest impact and contribution to sustainable development.

This approach highlights the specialized strengths of universities and also rewards comprehensive contributions to the global SDG agenda.

The ranking is inherently dynamic: it grows rapidly each year as more universities seek to demonstrate their commitment to achieving the SDGs by joining our database; and they enable institutions to demonstrate rapid improvement from year to year, for example by introducing clear new policies or providing clearer and more open evidence of their progress.

You can view the general indicators of the rating at the link of Times Higher Education - THE University Impact Rankings 2024, the best and most important positions of KNUTD according to indicators 8 - Economic Growth and Employment, 4 - Quality of Education, 10 - Equality and Inclusion, 17 - Partnerships for the Goals.


8 - Economic Growth and Employment

17 - Partnerships for the Goals

4 - Quality of Education 

10 - Еquality and Inclusion

KNUTD successfully implements its mission “ensuring a high level and quality of life for the university staff, creating favourable conditions for the activities of teachers, students, and all employees of current and future generations by introducing a new model of economic growth in line with the goals of sustainable development of Ukraine and fostering a responsible attitude to the environment and environmental management in the university community”.

The academic experience of KNUTD in sustainable development is quite significant and powerful. That is why we strive to maintain leadership in this field and realize our own vision of the future of Ukraine and the planet, a future where we strive to be one of the most progressive universities developing on the basis of sustainable development in Ukraine.

Let our achievements and honors become an incentive for further confident actions in educational and scientific international activities aimed at overcoming obstacles and modern challenges in various spheres of social life, searching for development models.

THE Impact Rankings confirm recognition and leadership positions in the global educational and scientific space.

The contribution of each employee is important in achieving important goals thanks to cohesion, professional dedication and powerful creative potential!


We would like to remind you that the activities of KNUTD were recognized for the year 2023 by the GreenMetric World University Rankings – the International Ranking that assesses the sustainable development of universities in the context of global changes.
