Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design became a member of the ELIA community - the European League of Art Education Institutions. ELIA is a global European network that provides a dynamic platform for the exchange and development of higher art education, representing more than 300 thousand students from more than 285 universities in 52 countries of the world in various fields of art and design. ELIA advocates for the development of higher art education, creating new opportunities for its members and promoting the exchange of best practices. ELIA realizes its goals by organizing events, forming working groups, participating in research projects and creating analytical documents related to current issues of culture and art development.

KNUTD became a member of ELIA thanks to the Uax platform, which was launched as a result of the collaboration between the Abakanowicz Arts and Culture Charitable Foundation (AACCF) and ELIA. The Uax platform is aimed at supporting Ukrainian students who are studying in higher education institutions in the field of art and were affected by the war. In addition, this initiative aims to increase the resilience of arts institutions of higher education during periods of crisis and recovery.

By order of the rector of the university Ivan Gryshchenko, doctor of economics, professor, the team of the Faculty of Design of KNUTD submitted an application for participation in ELIA, presented the achievements of the university in the field of art and design and entered the top five selected institutions from Ukraine. Since 2022, only 10 institutions from Ukraine have been members of ELIA, including Transcarpathian Academy of Arts, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, Lviv National Academy of Arts, Department of Design and IT of Kherson National Technical University, National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, etc.

KNUTD was founded in 1930 and has a more than 30-year history of training designers in various fields (clothing design, graphic design, photo and video design, web design, motion design, interior and furniture design, etc.). The Faculty of Design of KNUTD is a well-known art and design school in Ukraine and the world, which trains students in the fields of drawing, painting, color science, plastic anatomy, composition, form-making, projecting design objects, design-graphics, computer technologies, etc. In the difficult wartime for Ukraine, KNUTD continues to work offline, continues to educate students and train specialists who will work to rebuild our country after the war.

By joining the UAx platform, KNUTD will participate in creating a network of UAx sister schools, building relationships between Ukrainian institutions and the ELIA network in Europe and beyond. This will enable our university to actively participate in ELIA international events and initiatives, such as the UAx Abakanowicz Fellowship Program for students who will receive mentoring and an active UAx community to support their studies.


We would like to thank Liza Pryadko, UAx platform coordinator, and Uliana Furiv, UAx platform manager, for their organizational support!
