President of the Competition: Rector of KNUTD, Prof. Ivan Hryshchenko
Address: Mala Shyianovska (Nemyrovycha-Danchenka) Street, 2, educational building 1, Kyiv, 01011
Phone number for inquiries: +38(067)9867158 – Tetyana Astistova, coordinator
Regulations of the Competition
The Organizing Committee announces the start of registration for the All-Ukrainian Student Web-Page Development Competition “WEB-TECHNOLOGY” and invites students of higher education institutions to participate in the competition program, which will be held from November 15 to November 18, 2022.
Organization of the Competition
Organizational, methodical, and information support of the Competition is provided by KNUTD with the support of SOFTSERVE.
The Competition’s Organizing Committee includes leading Ukrainian experts in IT technology, scientific and pedagogical workers of KNUTD, and partners of the University from the profile enterprises.
Official languages of the Competition: Ukrainian, English.
The judging panel
The jury consists of the academic staff of the Faculty of Mechatronics and Computer Technologies, the Faculty of Design, and leading experts in the IT industry.
Awarding the participants of the Competition
The winners of the Competition are chosen on the basis of the results of calculating the total points of the evaluation questionnaires filled out by the members of the jury (three prize-winning places).
The finalists receive a certificate, and all the participants receive certificates for participation in the Competition.
Competition procedure
The “WEB-TECHNOLOGY” Competition takes place in two stages:
1. First (11/10/2022 - 11/15/2022) – selection stage, participants send their videos – work presentations, and a brief description of the work when filling out the online registration form
2. Second (11/15/2022 - 11/18/2022) – evaluation of competitive works by jury members in remote access mode via the Internet resources.
Participation in the Competition program is possible on the condition of applying for participation in the Competition by filling out the online registration form.
Requirements for competitive works
Competition works of students, completed independently, and submitted for the first time, without any plagiarism, are accepted for participation in the Competition. Works must be innovative or exploratory in nature within a certain direction of the content of the work.
All the participants of the Competition are not allowed to:
- use platforms for creating sites and content management systems, scripts, and site templates.
- use web services to create sites through closed content management systems
Evaluation process:
Evaluation of the competitive works is carried out as follows:
- the jury evaluates each work on a 100-point scale according to the stated evaluation criteria;
- members of the jury make evaluations in evaluation tables (forms) online and send them to the address of the Competition. The results of the jury’s assessment according to the rating of the points scored by the contestants are published on the Competition website no later than 5 days after the end of the Competition (rating tables);
- the contestant who scored more points compared to others and is the absolute winner.
Evaluation criteria:
Each competitive work is evaluated according to 3 criteria:
1. Content (Degree of informativeness):
- conformity of filling with information to the selected topic;
- usefulness of information for the relevant audience of users;
- information literacy of filling;
- content originality.
2. Visual appeal (artistic expressiveness and design):
- originality (creativity) and creative character;
- color scheme;
- elements of graphic decoration;
- set of fonts.
3. Novelty and originality of applied IT technologies;
- use of control elements and menu sections for navigation;
- availability of interactive tools and multimedia.
Competition materials and deadlines for their submission to the Organizing Committee
- 10.11.2022 – 15.11.2022, contestants must fill out the online registration form
- 11/15/2022 – 11/16/2022 – processing of applications by the Organizing Committee and sending of works to the Organizing Committee
- 11/16/2022 – 11/17/2022 – evaluation of works by the jury members
- 11/18/2022 – summary, approval of the competition results