Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Presentation of Diplomas with Honours to Graduates of KNUTD

Oh, a moment, you're beautiful! Exactly such feelings overwhelmed each on the day of awarding diplomas to graduates KNUTD. The assembly hall was full: graduates in robes, teachers, parents (and they worried most of all), guests.


The ceremony was opened by Rector of the University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Academician of NAPS of Ukraine Ivan Mikhailovich Grishchenko. He appealed to all the greeting and parting word. With fatherly warmth and responsibility of a statesman he said you will not forget this event. University staff have invested in you not only the knowledge and soul. We want to see you happy and successful.

The pro-rector on educational activities Svetlana Garkavenko and deans joined the congratulations. Words of welcome, words of wishes. At this moment, more than ever, it felt that the university is a caring family. We believe that our graduates will be proud of KNUTD and University will be proud of them. After all, they are coming into the life like trained professionals.

Top graduates of the University received the master's degrees with honors from the hands of the rector.



On behalf of all graduates who today received diplomas with honors, applied to the present graduate-excellent student Lily Khomenko. She sincerely thanked the leadership and faculty members for all the work they have invested in their education and training. And wish everyone happiness and peaceful sky over his head.

On this festive day, also sounded a musical greeting from the graduate-excellent student Antonina Skoryatina – the winner of international and national competitions, soloist of folk vocal ensemble "Smile".

This day is very important for the graduates and their parents, and for the university team. Congratulations to our graduates and wish them inspiration and career advancement. We believe that the native Alma Mater will always be in their hearts, and student years will be some of the best memories in the life!
