Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Cup them. E. Molodan

Department of Physical Education and Health and the trade union committee of scientific - pedagogical KNUTD workers held on the first day of spring the All-Ukrainian mini-football competition among the faculty and staff on behalf of Eugene Molodan Cup. 

In the sports hall of the Kiev National University of Technology and Design teams competed for the Cup:

  1. Faculty of Business and Law KNUTD
  2. Employees KNUTD
  3. Polygreen
  4. NTU
  5. Graduates 2000
  6. Graduates' 80s.

Molodan Winners Cup:

I - 2000 Graduates

II - Polygreen

III - Graduates 80

IV - Faculty of Business and Law KNUTD

V - Employees KNUTD


Spectators admitted Belyalov Tolyat Enverovich - the team captain "Graduates 2000" as the best player of the Yevgeniya Molodan tournament. The best scorer of the competition became team player "graduates' 80s." Borschev Andrei.

An interesting fight of the tournament was fought for prizes, as three teams scored the same number of points. Only goal difference and goals conceded in its place team.

It should be noted the fighting spirit of the teams, and excellent physical fitness of participants: Anatoly Serputko, Dergulyas Eugene, Gennady Galushenko, Andrew Litovchenko, Vitaly Chaban, Nicholas Kagody.


