Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Scientific works of students of Department of Pharmaceutical Industry - among the best in the Ukraine

Students of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy (gr MгХБТ-15): Olesya Fokina and Natalia Bondarenko (supervisors: doc. Bessarabоv V.I., doc. Kuzminа G.I., doc. Palchevskа T.A.) participated in the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student works 2017.  

Research by Fokina O.P. devoted to developing the inactivation of organophosphorus compounds are used as active pharmaceutical ingredients and components of obsolete pesticides. The work within the state budget basic research in educational and research laboratory of molecular pharmacology, chemogenomiks and biogerontology (supervisor Bessarabov V.I., PhD). Relevance of the study due to lack of effective decontamination technologies hazardous toxic huge stocks of obsolete pesticides stored at the enterprises of the agricultural sector of Ukraine.



Applied scientific research by Bondarenko N.V. (supervisors Kuzmina G.I., PhD & Palchevska T.A., PhD) performed on the JSC "Technology" Uman (CEO Renskyy S.O.), and is dedicated to improving the composition of film coating in solid dosage forms of ibuprofen. Implementation of research results into production would reduce the production cycle and improve the process of getting this anti-inflammatory drug.


For scientific direction "Chemical technology" student Fokina O.P. received a diploma, and in the field of "Pharmaceutical Sciences" student Bondarenko N.V. received the certificate.


We congratulate and wish them continued success in research!
