Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


«Competition of intellectual persons»

On April, 21, 2017 in our university the competition between the commands of faculties, sanctified to the 565year from the day of birth of the prominent Italian scientist, inventor, artist - Leonardo da Vinci, took place on initiative the department of philosophy, political science and ukrainianity.

The students of faculties of design, economy and business, chemical faculty participated in a competition.

Design faculty

Faculty of economy and business

 Chemical faculty

Коровін А. (БДР-3-16) – captain 

Бреславець В.(БДР-3-16)

Мисаковець К. (БДК-1-16)

Баланенко М.(БДІ-1-16)

Кравченко А.  (БДІ-1-16)

Гоц Х. (БДР-3-16)

Ковальчук  Ю. (БМР-1-16)

Сичук Ю. (БМР-1-16) – captain 

Нікітович В. (БМР-1-16)

Галака М. (БЕК-16)

Назарова А. (БЕК-16)

Лубський А. (БХФ-1-16) – captain 

Гуменюк Р. (БХФ-1-16)

Лук'янова В. (БХФ-1-16)

Шахматова К. (БХФ-1-16)

Єрмак А. (БПП-16)

Головіна О. (БШХ-16)


Task 1 is "Gallery" - to lay down a pazzle of "Picture of Leonardo da Vinci"


Tasks 2 are the "Iridescent paints" - for 5 minutes to draw an association on a theme " Leonardo da Vinci "

Tasks 3 is the "Coded message" - to unriddle expression Leonardo, in cipher the numbers 


Tasks 4, is "Power of word" - for 5 minutes to convince, that Leonardo da Vinci a personage

And place are a command of faculty design
ІІ a place is a command of faculty of economy and business
ІІІ a place is a command of chemical faculty


Within the framework of marking of 565year from the day of birth of Leonardo da Vinci, the department of philosophy, political science and українознавства initiated the competition of student creative
