Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


The Faculty of Mechatronics and Computer Technologies expands its cooperation with the leading enterprises of Ukraine

In the classroom of the Camozzi Training Center, Dean of the Faculty of Mechatronics and Computer Technologies, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M. Zenkin, Head of the Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies and Measurement Technology (KITVT), Doctor of Technical Science, Professor V. Zdorenko and Ph.D., associate professor I. Kiva Together with the students of the department held a seminar on the newest trends in the development of mechatronics systems.

During the meeting with the specialists of "Camozzi" the questions of the future cooperation on the preparation of students of KITWT using the laboratory complex of the enterprise, the possibility of acquaintance of the students and teachers of the department with the production capacities of the company, the latest samples of pneumatic electrical automation facilities were discussed.

Students completed exercises on the development and adjustment of pneumatic electrical circuits, and also tried to control them using modern computer facilities.

Based on the results of the training, students of the KITVT were given certificates of completion of the courses. Teachers of the training center "Camozzi" expressed a wish for future cooperation with the department of mechatronics and computer technologies of the Kiev National University of Technology and Design.
