Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On 24th May 2017 the Faculty of Economics and Business of the National University of Technologies and Design held the International Scientific Internet Conference «Contemporary Determinants of Development of the Business Processes in Ukraine». The scientific event is devoted to the Days of Science in Ukraine and the Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business.

The conference was undertaken by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv National university of Technologies and Design,  Academy of Trade and Services (Poznan, Poland), State Institute of Management and Social Technologies (Minsk, Belarus), High School of Insurance and Finance (Sofia, Bulgaria), Wekerle Business School (Budapest, Hungary), Maria Sklodowska-Curie University (Warsaw, Poland), Baku University of Business (Baku, Azerbaijan), High School of Management (Warsaw, Poland), Bialystok High School of Economics (Poland), High School of Linguistics (Czestochowa, Poland), Krakow University of Economics, Belarus Trade and Economic University of Consumption Cooperation (Homel, Belarus).

More then 100 participants took part in the Conference. Among them are the representatives of higher educational institutions, scientific establishments, public institutions, business, and civil organizations of Ukraine and foreign countries.

Pro-Rector for Research and Innovation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor Kaplun Viktor Volodymyrovich gave an introduction speech for organizers, participants, and guests.  

Viktor Volodymyrovich congratulated on the beginning of the Conference and highlighted the importance of the event in the context of necessity of business competitiveness enhancement and modernization.

Pro-Rector for Research of Belarus Trade and Economic University of Consumption Cooperation Bobovich Andriy Pavlovych emphasized the significance of the event for the scientific community and professionals. 

The plenary session was continued by his colleagues: Sydorenko Yulia Yuriivna, PhD, deputy dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance with a presentation «Hedging as an Efficient Method of Currency Risk Management» 

and Tolkacheva Yelena Georgiivna, PhD, Head of the Department of Banking, analysis and Audit with a presentation «Methodological instruments of risk assessment of trade organizations of consumption cooperation».

The participants concluded that sustainable development of and industrial company in medium-term and long-term periods requires using of non-financial methods of hedging, which will enable to eliminate or reduce a negative influence of exchange rate fluctuations and facilitate functioning of a company under new economic conditions.

Vice-President of High School of Linguistics Tomash Kuk (Czestochowa, Poland) congratulated participants.

In the presentation «Importance of an applied dimension of education within the Program  «Double Degree» he claims to objective and substantiated studying of obstacles of student mobility and the search of opportunities to eliminate and overcome them.

Pro-Rector of Kremenchuk National University named after Mykhailo Ostrogradskyi, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor Nykyforov Volodymyr Valentynovich greeted an audience and wished efficient cooperation and scientific achievements.    

The discussion was continued by his colleague, PhD, associate professor of the Department of Finance and Credit Snishchenko Roman Hryhorovych, who focused on issues of state support of financial security of financial market participants.    

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associalte Professor, Head of the Depatment of International Economic Relations of Khmelnytskyi National University Vasylkivskyi Dmytro Mykolaiovych congratulated participants of the Conference. He emphasized the importance of issues considered at the conference, highlighted extreme necessity of development of a model for assessment of economic efficiency of regional educational clusters. This model contains the main goals, principles, and restrictions for a cluster formation process. 

Colleagues from Lviv Polytechnics highlighted actuality and relevance of the topics of the conference platforms. 

Particularly, director of the Institute for Economics and Management of Lviv Polytechnics professor Kuzmin Oleh Yevhenovych considered an issue of business processes development under conditions of transboundary cooperation in his presentation «Business processes development in terms of transboundary cooperation».

His colleague, head of the Department of International Economic Activity and Custom Service, professor Olha Hryhorivna Melnyk discussed matters of reformation of the Ukrainian custom policy as a precondition of business process development.  

Acting Head of the Department of Management and International Entrepreneurship of Lviv Polytechnics, professor Liana Ivanivna Chernobai considered domestic and world experience of development of small and medium-size business. 

Professor of the above-mentioned department Myroslava Ivanivna Bublyk described a model for economic assessment of the level of social standards of Ukrainian households. 

Associate professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, PhD Ambarchian Victoria Samvelivna thoroughly explained issues of assessment and preparation of loss allowance to cover credit losses in Ukrainian banks in a presentation «Peculiarities of estimation and preparation of loss allowance at Ukrainian banks».  

After the coffee break the International scientific conference was continued in the form of joint platforms. Platform moderators were as follows: Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Denysenko Mykola Pavlovych, Doctor of Economic Sciences, associate professor Skrypnyk Marharyta Ivanivna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Tarasenko Iryna Oleksiivna, PhD, associate professor Yarenko Anatolii Valeriiovych, PhD, associate professor Podolna Valentyna Viktorivna та Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Kasych Alla Oleksandrivna.

During the conference the participants considered the following issues: contemporary paradigms of enterprise development under market conditions; an organizational and economic mechanism of business entity development in terms of globalization; matters of formation of company resource potential; economic and ecological components of business entity safety; a mechanism for providing financial competitiveness of business entities in terms of globalization; tendencies of development of business social responsibility and its components; issues of innovation and investment development of enterprises; peculiarities of business engineering as an instrument of providing sustainable development of market entities; integrative mechanisms of successful integration between business entities under market conditions.

Scientific results of the conference may be applied by the Ministry of Education and science of Ukraine, central agencies of executive authorities, local self-governance, directors of higher educational institutions for development of a social and economic strategy, and substantiation of a complex of measures for providing innovation development.  

In general, the International Scientific Internet Conference «Contemporary Determinants of Development of the Business Processes in Ukraine» was successfully organized and contained essential information and substantiated results.  As a result, members of the organizational committee approved the Resolution of the International Scientific Internet Conference «Contemporary Determinants of Development of the Business Processes in Ukraine».
