Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


The young researchers of KNUTD took part in the XVI Conference "Lviv Chemical Readings - 2017"

May 29-31, a delegation of young researchers of Molecular pharmacology, chemogenomiks and biogerontology laboratory of KNUTD consisting researcher Oksana Shelihatska, graduate of Industrial Pharmacy Vyacheslav Derypapa and Ilya Goryushyn took part in the XVI Conference "Lviv Chemical Readings - 2017". The conference took place at the chemistry department of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University. As part of the conference for three days, scientists from Ukraine, the United States, Germany, Poland and Russia discussed the most important issues of modern chemistry.

In the poster session of the conference report was submitted to the study of methylene blue as an inhibitor of cholinesterase of human serum (Scientific leaders – Bessarabov V. I., PhD and Kuzmina G. I., PhD). During the discourse researchers – participants noted the high level of the presented studies, modern approach to finding new pleiotropic effects of active pharmaceutical ingredients that are already registered in the world pharmacopoeias.

Participation of young researchers of KNUTD in this scientific event is a direct implementation of policy KNUTD Rector Prof. I. Gryshchenko on the active introduction in the educational and scientific process the practice-oriented approach to training future professionals of the pharmaceutical industry.

