Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


The Final Chord of the Eighth International Student Photo Contest "Garyacha Kryga"

On May 30, 2017, at the Museum of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design was held the opening of the Eighth International Student Photo Contest "Garyacha Kryga" (further - Contest).

The photo exhibition of the best photo works of Contest’s participants was opened by Pro-Rector V.V. Chaban, Dean of the Faculty of Design M.V. Kolosnichenko, Chairman of the National Society of Photo Artists of Ukraine E.M. Stranadko, Head of the Department of Design V.E. Ovcharek.

Speakers noted that the Contest is developing, and photo works of students each year are become more perfect.

All expressed gratitude to the general sponsor of the Contest – Honorary Doctor of KNUTD, Prof. Hersh Chadha from UAE, thanks to his support this large-scale project was done, to the official sponsor – the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War, to the information sponsors – "Ukrinform", "Ukrainian Radio","Radio"Promin", Web-portal "Prostir.Museum".



The Contest’s organizers offered to participants and guests the following activities: round table discussion "Photo-and-video design in modern museum space design: the interaction of the spheres", seminars "Why are so expensive photographers?" and "Photo poetry as a mean of visualizing word".


The theme of the round table discussion that is devoted to finding ways of cooperation between photo-and-video designers and museum institutions, brought together about 100 participants: heads of Ukrainian museums, teachers and students from different educational institutions.



The authoritative jury headed by the recognized master of photography E.M. Stranadko determined the winners in four contest nominations: "World around you", "Creative activity", "Fashion-photo", "Free theme".


The winners of the Contest:


nomination "World around you":

Efimova Tatiana, a student of the Kherson National Technical University

Photo work "When Balls Were Large"

  nomination "Creative activity":

Zbarzhyvetskyy Eduard, a student of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Series of photos "Profession of Life"

– nomination "Fashion-photo":

Yakymenko Andriy, a student of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Series of photos "People of Cassaignes"

– nomination "Free theme":

Yermolenko Dmytro, a student of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design,

Series of photos "Pancake Day" 
