Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


The visit of representatives from the Minsk Production Tannery Factory in KNUTD

On 31st of May representatives from the Minsk Production Tannery Factory conducted a business visit to the Department of Biotechnology, Leather and Fur. The main purpose of the visit of guests from Belarus was to strengthen the relationship between the factory and the department, the questions of training of students and employment of graduates, arrangements for an internships and production practice. During the visit of guests, meetings were held with students - future technologists of leather and fur production, within the framework of which the full information about the factory, the level of its equipment and capacity, employment conditions, opportunities for professional growth were provided. The positive result of the meeting was a discussion with the Vice-Rector for scientific, pedagogical and international activities of the KNUTD Chaban V. V. about the issues of professional training of Belarusian students with the involvement of the faculty members of the Department of Biotechnology, Leather and Fur.
