Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


«Change Academy» - the second stage of the Ukraine Higher Education Leadership Development Programme


In June 2017, began the second training session for the team KNUTD - winners of the Ukraine Higher Education Leadership Development Programme sponsored by the British Council in partnership with the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of the Educational Sciences of Ukraine and the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (UK).

Session "Change Academy" which was held on 13-15 June 2017, was aimed at implementing the following key objectives:

  1. Help participants implement strategically important change initiatives with creativity and teamwork
  2. Help expand leadership capacity and change among people
  3. Support creative work in collaboration
  4. Assist team members through a series of interactive tasks, models, concepts and approaches to collaborative work (visualization of projects, «The World Café», «My critical friends», «Push and Pull», «Elevator pitch») develop their own understanding of the changes and expand the possibilities for planning the necessary actions to achieve the vision.

In cooperation with the coordinators of the program were discussed further implementation of the project «Development of entrepreneurial and innovation initiatives at the University».


