Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


The international recognition of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design project activity

An extraordinary event took place last week in Bonn (Federal Republic of Germany). More than 100 representatives of higher and research institutions, international donor organizations, institutional leaders and experts on gender issues from all over the world held an international conference. The conference “Female Leadership and Higher Education Management in Developing Countries” was organized in the framework of the “Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies (DIES)” Programme – which is jointly conducted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK)This programme aims at encouraging international exchange of experience on questions of innovative higher education policy.

This year, for the first time within the framework of the conference, the project of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design “Gender Sensitive Environment Concept at the Faculty of Business and Law”  was presented by Ukraine. Such a high recognition of the University was awarded as a result of the selection competition held by the German institutes, in which more than 450 universities from all over the world have been participated.

During the conference, the second evaluation stage was held, at which the representative of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Mrs. Lyudmila Hanushchak-Efimenko, presented the project and the best reviews has been received.

This high assessment of international experts allowed the University entered the top five best, which have been selected (from 40 universities presented)  as applicants for further funding.

In connection with this landmark event, we congratulate Mrs. Hanushchak-Efimenko - the head of this project as well  the project team  Prof. Mrs. Valeriy Shcherbak and doctoral student Ms. PhD. Elena Nifatova for the high international recognition. Particularly pleasant is the fact that it was happen  during of the project  defencing  in Bonn, in the same time Mrs. Hanushchak-Efimenko was approved by the Academic Council of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design for the post of the Dean of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Law and she was awarded  the academic title of  Professor!

Congratulations to the winners!
