Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


The expansion of friendly relations department of entrepreneurship and business Kyiv National University of Technology and Design of educational institutions city of Konotop

Students Konotop vocational school during a visit to Kyiv National University of Technology and Design in detail familiarized with the specific terms and university. Acquainted with the educational programs of the department of entrepreneurship and business of the Faculty of Business and Law.


Presentation of the department PB for students of Konotop High School.


Speech teachers to students of the department Industrial and Pedagogical School KiSumDU.

The greatest interest in future entrants caused to carry out further training for those professions where they have expertise, economics, finance, entrepreneurship; Food Industry.

During the meeting both sides expressed their willingness to further cooperate actively and college students of both schools and expressed the hope that some of them will become the University Alma Mater.
