Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Press-release of the International scientific-practical conference «TOPICAL ISSUES OF MODERN DESIGN» April, 20, 2018

In the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design is expected important event in the field of design – international scientific-practical conference «TOPICAL ISSUES OF MODERN DESIGN»

April, 20, 2018.

The organizer of the conference is faculty of design KNUTD, the department of which more than 30 years has been training specialists in the design of clothing, textiles, accessories and jewelry, interior and furniture design, brand products, graphic design, landscape, photo-, video-, web-, motion- design etc.

The aim of the conference is to share experience and results of research on topical issues of modern design, promote creative collaboration of designers, artists, scientists in the field of design and artistic specialties, etc.

Hosts of the conference: The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design.

Thematic directions of the conference:

  1. Art and culturological factors in design.
  2. Trends in the development of art and fashion design.
  3. Information technology of visualization in design.
  4. Prospects for the development of design of the architectural environment.
  5. Business aspects of design activities.

According to the results of the conference, the publication of abstracts in the form of a collection is planned. Within the framework of the conference, there will be the Ninth International Student Photo Contest «Garyacha Kryga» («Hot Ice») and an exhibition of photos of the winners and other related events: master classes, exhibitions, contests, presentations, etc.

Well-known design scholars, Ukrainian designers, artists are going to be the speakers of the sections. Among the guests and organizers of the conference are scientists and artists from Poland, Romania, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia etc.

Official site of the conference:

Venue: Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (Ukraine, Kyiv, 2 Nemirovich-Danchenko str., Academic Council Hall).

General partner







