Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


II All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of innovation development of cluster entrepreneurship in Ukraine" March 29, 2018

A good tradition was the holding by the Business and Law Faculty of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Innovative Development of Clustered Entrepreneurship in Ukraine". During the conference the modern tendencies of innovation development of cluster business in Ukraine and in the world were considered.

The plenary session of the conference was opened by the vice-rector for scientific-pedagogical and international activities, professor, doctor of technical sciences Chaban Vitaliy Vasilievich.


With a welcoming speech, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law Lyudmila Mikhailovna Ganushchak-Efimenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor.


Practical experience in the sphere of cluster entrepreneurship was shared by Viktor Ivanovich Lishchuk, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Light Industry Cluster, General Director of Chinbar.


Rector of the National Academy of Management Yerokhin S.A. in his report paid attention to the strategic guidelines for innovative development of cluster entrepreneurship in Ukraine. And the rector of the Ukrainian-Polish University of Central European University Moldovanov M.I. emphasized the importance of increasing the degree of openness and dynamism of knowledge in the context of the development of cluster entrepreneurship.



Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, a member of the Central Council of the Society "Prosvita" them. T. Shevchenko Golomesha N.Ya. focused attention of scientists on the problem of comparing the industrial world of cluster evidence and innovative opportunities in entrepreneurship.


Head of Project Management Department at the Graduate School of Business in Dąbrowa Górnic Poland Paweł Urgacz in his report revealed important aspects of interaction between universities of Russian universities with European Union universities and real business.


Ieva Kraujalyte - the head of the project management department of the University of Applied Sciences of Vilnius, shared the interesting experience of cluster business development in Lithuania.


In the work of the four announced platforms of the conference, young scientists and graduate students took an active part. For the promulgation of the results of scientific research, the conference participants received appropriate certificates.
