Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Ukrainian-German Scientific and Technical Workshop to the Day of Europe and the Day of Science in Ukraine

As part of the celebration of the Day of Europe and the Day of Science in Ukraine, on May 11, 2018, a joint Ukrainian-German scientific and technical workshop "Innovative technologies and equipment for the production of polymeric fibrous materials" will be held at 1200 in the hall of the Academic Council meetings.

The program of the seminar includes a presentation by Mr. Klaus Schaefer, Executive Director of BBEngineering (Remscheid, Germany), on the topic "Extrusion and Spinning Technologies" (with translator) and Mr. Dietmar Enke, Vice President of the Company, Head of Human Resources at BBEngineering on "Involvement and consolidation of personnel taking into account the revaluation of values in society" (with the translator).

The program of the seminar provides discussion of reports, questions - answers. Participants of the seminar will be provided with printed materials of reports, other scientific and technical information.
