Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


"Optical illusions" is a project of collaboration of departments of physics and design

Creation of general project became the result of collaboration of departments of physics and design under the working name "the Optical illusions". A few directions of both scientific and creative activity are foreseen during the realization of project. Visualization of essence of the physical phenomena in particular optical became the first step, by artistic receptions and facilities with the use of the real physical objects. For realization of the put aims a working group was created under the direction of head of the department of Design Volodymyr Ovcharek and of head of the department of physics Oleksandr Kovalchuk in composition the employees of departments: associate professor Iryna Dovgenko, associate professor Iryna Oleynikova.

Students, that pass preparation after speciality "Design" and create the відеоролики specialization of "photo & video design" for demonstrations of the physical optical phenomena and devices that allow them to look after and study


Students with the large personal interest observe the natural and artificial optical phenomena and illusions, which can be shown due to properties of light.

Working moment at video to the survey of diffraction of laser radiation on the special equipment


The next step in activity of project group is plan creation of demonstrations of optical illusions and installations with their next reflection in the products of photo & video design.

Discussion of conception for further collaboration


Creation of similar projects will serve to popularization of science, will assist aesthetic development of young people at research of the surrounding world. The personal interest of students-designers in research of physical essence of many optical phenomena induces to creation of elective course for to physical bases of the optical phenomena and introduction of him in the educational program.

The results of collaboration were presented on June, 5, 2018 at the open show of videoworks of students of photo & video design (groups of БДФ1-15, БДФ2-15) after a theme: "HISTORY of OBJECT" from discipline "Direction of survey and editing". 19 movies were demonstrated and most of them were received high assessment by commission.

The fragments of two videos you can watch here.
