Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Meeting with future KNUTD entrants

On February 8, 2019, a meeting was held between the teachers of the KITVT department with the students known for their achievements of the Darnytsky technical lyceum.

Director of the Darnytsky Technical Lyceum Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine Anatoly Andrienko spoke about the long-standing creative connections between KNUTD and DTL. He determined that more than 700 graduates of DTL completed the KNUTD where they received high-quality vocational education.

Before the students spoke and told about the achievements of the Department KITVT: Dean of the MCT Faculty  prof. M.  Zenkin, head of the department prof. V. Zdorenko, associate professors I. Kiva , S. Barilko , L. Golubev , V. Dromenko.

DTL students were invited to KNUTD for a detailed study of the department.


Director of the Darnytsky Technical Lyceum serves the Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine Anatoliy Andrienko

Dean of the Faculty of ICT prof. M. Zenkin

Students of the lyceum are acquainted with the achievements of the department KITVT

DTL students at a meeting with lecturers of KNUTD
