Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Victory in the Olympiad "Mechanotronics in mechanical engineering 2018"

National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky" hosted the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad "Mechanotronics in mechanical engineering 2018".

The team of the Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies and Measuring Instruments, KNUTD took the third place among 19 teams (with 67 participants of the competition). Students Nozhka S., Tkachev V., Zlenko O., Kuts N. participated in the Olympiad. The assistants Zubovych G. and Koshel O. helped in judging. The coach of the team, Ph.D., associate professor Kiva I.L.

The participants of Olympiad were photographed for memory in the conference hall of KPI.

The representative of the firm FESTO Ryzhenko E. wished KNUTD team success in the Olympic competition.

The participants of the competition have undergone tense training in the theoretical elaboration of competitive tasks, which showed a high level and a creative approach to finding non-standard solutions.

The verification and processing of the results was carried out at each of the 5 stages of the competition.

The coach of the team Kiva I.L. participated in the judiciary with colleagues.

In the intense struggle for four days, the team of the Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies and Measuring Instruments KNUTD won the third place. Thank you dear students. You have confirmed once again the high level of your native university.
