Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Representatives of the University took part in the final meeting of the Ukraine Higher Education Leadership Development Programme

March 5, 2019, the project team of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, headed by the rector Dr. Ivan Gryshchenko, took part in the final meeting of the Leadership Development Program of Ukrainian Universities.

The Program developed by the British Council in partnership with the Institute of Higher Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and Foundation for Higher Education (UK).

The event held under the slogan "Innovate. Lead Inspire" and summed up the results of the implementation of a three-year program that covered 40 universities and prepared about 300 "reform agents ". Among the successful participants of the program and our university, which has successfully implemented its own project "Development of entrepreneurship and innovation initiatives at the university". Our university continuing to improve the results have achieved. A confirmation of this status is the victory of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design in the next five-year Program of the British Council - "Creative Spark", which has begun this year.

Honorary speakers of the panel discussions were Simon Williams, Director of the British Council in Ukraine, Vasily Kremen, President of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Lilia Grinevich, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Alison Jones, General Director of the National Educational Agency of the United Kingdom, Advance HE and others.

During the event, participants and invited international experts exchanged experience and best practices and have participated interesting discussion on the development of leadership capacity in universities related to the reform of higher education in Ukraine.
