Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Day of the Defender of Ukraine at the School of Market, Information and Innovative Technologies

The words of V. Symonenko «Живе лиш той, хто не живее для себе, Хто для других виборює життя» became an epigraph to the mini-lecture “Kozatski zvytyagy”, which was delivered by a senior lecturer of the Department of Arts and Light Industry Technologies N.Malinka on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Defender of Ukraine at the Schoolon October 11, 2019.

The lecturer read a story about the soldiers of the periods of Kyivan Rus and Cossacks. The bridge between the historical past of Ukraine and modernity has become a video with the photographs of parents, students and alumni of the School of Market, Information and Innovative Technologies who currently defend our country.
