Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design entered the GreenMetric 2020 World University Ranking


Another pleasant news for the 90th anniversary of our university was the recognition of our scientific and educational institution achievements in the field of implementing sustainable development goals.

On December 7, 2020, according to the results of the current assessment, Kiev National University of Technologies and Design was included in the GreenMetric World University Rankings for the first time. This allowed our university to obtain the right to membership in a global network of higher education institutions that implement the paradigm of sustainable development in life, which the key content is the interaction and integration of economic, social and environmental dimensions.

By participating in this network, we will be able to evaluate our sustainable development policy and our own activities results, as well as compare it with other educational institutions in the ranking. We will also be able to share our experiences and learn best practices on sustainability in education with other universities around the world.

Since 2010, GreenMetric World University Rankings have ranked universities around the world according to six metrics: infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste management, water, transportation, and environmental education. The current prizes were taken by Wageningen University, Oxford University and Nottingham University, and only seventeen universities from Ukraine were honored to enter this rating, among which now is our institution.

The effective formation of our university foundation, as a scientific and educational institution of the international level, is strengthened by the concept values recognition of sustainable development and care for future generations by providing high-quality educational services with care for the environment protection.
