Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


The final conference of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialties "Design. Fine arts, decorative arts, restoration»

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design hosted the second stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialties "Design. Fine arts, decorative arts, restoration". 53 scientific works (59 participants, 47 scientific supervisors) from 24 institutions of higher education of Ukraine were submitted to the competition:

- 28 works on the specialty 022 Design;

- 25 works on specialty 023 Fine arts, decorative arts, restoration.

At the Final Conference, which took place online on April 8, 2021, 14 students from 13 higher education institutions of Ukraine spoke.

The final conference was opened by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Competition, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Liudmyla Hanushchak-Yefimenko, who greeted the participants and on behalf of the Rector of the University, Academician Ivan Gryshchenko said the best wishes of fruitful work and scientific discussion to all participants of the Final Conference. She noted that such competitions are a good opportunity for students to realize themselves and is the first step for future scientists.

Welcoming remarks were made by the Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Competition, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, State Prizewinner of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Dean of the Faculty of Design Maryna Kolosnichenko, who presented the achievements of the Faculty of Design KNUTD, wished the conference participants not to stop at the achieved results and to continue scientific activity.

Final Conference was attended by students, their supervisors, members of the competition commission, who asked questions and evaluated the performances of students participating in the second stage of the Competition. We truly thank the members of the Competition Commission for quality and coordinated work!

 According to the results of the Competition, three scientific works were awarded with the Diploma of the first degree, 4 with the Diploma of the second degree, 7 students - the Diploma of the third degree. The results of the Competition can be found at the link.

Congratulations to the winners and their supervisors who presented their educational institutions with dignity!
