Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Master class on fashion-sketching (fashion-graphic) as a part of the academic mobility program for teachers and students

Within the cooperation program between the Faculty of Design of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design (Ukraine) and the Faculty of Arts and Design of the «Ion Creangă» State Pedagogical University of Chisinau (Moldova) the online master class by Eugene Reabenykiy, a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Design of the «Ion Creangă» State Pedagogical University was held (April 9, 2021).

This event was planned and conducted within the professional-oriented discipline "Design Graphic" under the program of academic mobility of teachers, postgraduates and students. During the master class, the implementation of design ideas and projects by means of graphics, the importance of understanding the basics of drawing and painting, composition and colour science in the search for an individual creative handwriting of a designer, the using of creative graphic techniques and materials for the presentation of a designer's creative idea in sketches were highlighted and actively discussed.

The master class was attended by the design faculty’s postgraduates and students of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design (groups DFD-19, 20; DFDv-19, 20 and DFDz-19, 20, bachelor and master students of "Design of clothes (footwear)", "Graphic design", "Modelling, design and decoration of light industry products", "Design of the environment", "Design (by type)".

Students and teachers of the Faculty of Arts and Design (CSPU), leading professors and associate professors of the Faculty of Design (KNUTD) were interested in the event. The total number of participants in the master class was over 200 people.

Check the the link to watch the master class.
