Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Congratulations to the participants of the International Online Exhibition of Creative Works «Design and Creativity of Students 2021»

We sincerely congratulate the students of the Faculty of Design of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, who took part in the international online exhibition of creative works "Design and creativity of students 2021", which opened on March 31, 2021.

The online exhibition is part of the program of cooperation between the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of Chishinau State Pedagogical University named I. Creange (Chishinau, Moldova) and the Faculty of Design KNUTD.

The event presents the works of 100 participants, students of Moldova and Ukraine, in such areas as clothing modeling, web design, interior design, arts and crafts. Creative student works are displayed online on the official pages of partner institutions at the link 
