As part of the cooperation program between the Faculty of Design of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design and the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of the Chisinau State Pedagogical University. I. Creangа (Moldova) On April 13, 2021, an online master class was held by Vasilyj Vozianov, a practice-oriented teacher at the Department of Applied Arts of the Kyiv State Pedagogical University. I. Creangа and a successful fashion designer.
According to the program of academic mobility of teachers, graduate students, and students of Ukraine and Moldova, the speaker highlights the methods of creating non-traditional artistic, creative images and forms of clothing, accessories; examples from the practice of creating highly aesthetic creative collections of clothing models by students are given. The scientist shared his experience in the design of silhouette and three-dimensional forms of clothing using the mock-up method, approaches to work on creating creative collections in the fashion industry.
The presented material of the master class aroused the professional interest of the audience of more than 150 students - teachers, graduate students, and students of KNUTD and KSPU. I. Creanga. The questions and expectations of the next meeting were a clear confirmation of that.
The online master class was attended by students pursuing higher education in the educational program «Design of clothing (footwear)», «Styling, design and artistic finishing of fashion industry products» bachelor's Degree Programs: «Fashion design», «Design of brand products» and «accessories and jewellery design»; educational program «Styling, design and artistic finishing of fashion industry products» and graduate students of the faculty of Design.
The meeting within the framework of international academic mobility of representatives of two design scientific schools of well-known higher education institutions facilitated the exchange of many years of successful experience and scientific professional experience, harmonization of educational approaches, and popularization of university scientists' achievements.