Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



April 19–23

The Foreign Languages Department organized The Week of Foreign Languages – SPRING 2021 dedicated to W. Shakespear’s Birthday and World Book Day. Students took part in different competitions such as contests of art works, poetic translations (resp. teacher Pysarenko N.), poetry reciting (resp. senior lecturer Tkalenko A., associate professor Chernets M.) had a linguistic and literary quiz devoted to W. Shakespeare’s biography and literary activity (resp. associate professor Gudkova N.) and so on. 

During the Week online tours (resp. senior lecturer Krasniuk S.) “Shakespeare week 2021 (launch with Cbeebies’ Ben Cajee)”, “9 Virtual tours of Shakespearean Spots”, “The Globe Theatre London tour”, “English - The globe: Shakespeare's Theatre”, “William Shakespeare Biography in English”, “Shakespeare trust birthplace - Online Exhibitions” were conducted by teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages: Absalyamova Ya.V., Borolis I.I., Burlaka I.Ya., Gorlatova O.M., Denisenko V.M., Zagorulko M.O., Kugay K.B., Krasniuk S.O., Nazarenko O.V., Syromlia N.M., Tkalenko A.M., Тuhaienko V.M.

During the excursions, students received useful information about the life of W. Shakespeare, The Globe theater, learned a brief history of its creating; saw the house where the outstanding playwright was born and raised.

A great deal of attention was paid to the Art works contest organized by the teachers of the Department (resp. associate professor Korneeva I., senior lecturers Roienko L., Gorlatova O.) and devoted to W. Shakespear’s birthday and works and to literary works by German authors – 37 pictures were presented by participants and 634 votes were considered. The following students won the prizes:

I prize - Valeria Murko – BDweb 2-19

II prize - Kateryna Yatsenko - BShMKsk-20

III prize - Anastasia Gulai – BDi 3-20

Foreign students of the 1st and 2nd year took part in the events of the Week of Foreign Languages at their classes with associate professors of the Department of Foreign Languages S. Dvorianchykova S. and O. Siniavska.

Students watched video materials about foreign languages all over the world, about the life and works of W. Shakespeare, answered the quiz questions about life and masterpieces of the great English playwright and poet and made presentations about their favorite writers from different countries.

German and French programs of the Week of Foreign Languages were dedicated to World Book Day (23 April) as well. At the classes, students got acquainted with the history of its origin and took part in the competition of illustrations to the literary works of German writers and poets, in the Quiz about famous and outstanding German, Swiss and French poets and writers (senior lecturer Ketova T., associate professor Shkura N.) Thematic lessons “How to learn a language with the help of poetry”, online excursion about the inventor of book printing Johann Gutenberg (senior lecturer Ketova T.), thematic lessons “Famous German poets and writers”, “Life of young people in Germany and in Ukraine”, (associate professor Nazarenko O.) were organized. Students prepared presentations and posters, made reports, thematic videos.
