Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Lecture "European and Ukrainian Modernism: points of contact" in the framework of academic mobility program for teachers and students

An online lecture by Prof. Oleksandra Kolesnyk, a lecturer at the Faculty of Design of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (Ukraine) and the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of the Chisinau State Pedagogical University I.Creanga (Moldova) was held on April 20, 2021 as part of a program of cooperation between the Faculty of Design of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design.

The event was planned and held within the framework of the profession-oriented discipline "Art and Material Culture (by design)" according to the program of academic mobility of teachers, postgraduates and students. During the lecture were covered and actively discussed the actuality of modernism for design and modern perception of art as a period of formation of modern outlook, namely, the attitude towards reality as a process that requires constant new solutions, projects, for realization of socio-cultural needs of the society. The aspects of European art influence of the end of XIX - the beginning of XX century on the Ukrainian fine art (1900-1930s) were also considered, the original and unique features of modernism tendencies in the works of O. Novakovsky, F. Krichevsky, I. Myasoedov, avant-gardism in the works of K. Malevich, A. Bogomazov and other leading figures of this period were defined.

The master class was attended by post-graduate and design students of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (groups DFD-19, 20; DFDv-19, 20 and DFDz-19, 20), students of the educational degrees "bachelor" and "master" that receive higher education in the educational programs: "Fashion Design (Footwear)", "Graphic Design", "Modelling, Design and Artistic Design of Light Industry Products", "Environmental Design", "Design (by type)".

The students and didactic staff of the faculty of fine arts and design of the I. Krenga KSPU and the professors and assistant professors of the faculty of design of the KNUTD showed a wide interest in the event. The total number of participants in the lecture exceeded 170 people.
