Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


The Scientific School of the Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies of KNUTD gains double international recognition!!!

March 2021 was abundant of international recognition for our university. World recognition in the field of fashion and design industry ( was supplemented by a high appraisal of international experts of educational and scientific achievements of the Department of Pharmaceutical Industry, Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies of Kyiv National University technologies and design - a leader in the preparation of bachelors and masters of industrial pharmacy for the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine.

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For the third time, CEOWORLD Magazine, after conducting a rating study, included KNUTD in the world ranking of the TOP-100 best scientific schools and universities that produce highly qualified specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacy. In 2021, our university took 65th place (, improving the previous achievement by four positions.


It did not take long to wait for another confession. The Pharmaceutical School of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design is included in the World List of Pharmacy Schools of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) At the same time, the Dean of the Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies, Professor Olga Baula, as an official representative of KNUTD, is added to the Academic Pharmacy Section (AcPS).

The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) is a global body representing pharmaceutical science and pharmaceutical education. With 146 national organizations, members of academic institutions and individual members, the federation represents more than four million pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and pharmaceutical educators worldwide.

FIP, founded in 1912, is a non-governmental organization headquartered in the Netherlands. Through partnerships and an extensive network, FIP works to support the development of the pharmaceutical profession, through practice and new scientific innovations, as well as through the development of pharmacists to meet global health needs.


Therefore, we congratulate the involved employees and are proud of their result of painstaking, purposeful, and coordinated cooperation of the university leadership, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the faculty, and the Institute for Internationalization of Higher Education and Science, and we wish you continued success!
