Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Lectures on "Administrative Justice: to perceive, understand, love"

On July, 6, 2021 by the deputy of director from educational work of for Educational and scientific institute of law and  modern teaching technologies KNUTD, by an associate professor by Inna Коvalenко and professor of department of private and public right for Educational and scientific institute of law and  modern teaching technologies KNUTD an associate professor by Kateryna Каterynchuk at support of administrative court of cassation in composition Supreme Court organized an elucidative event for the students of the Kyiv national university of technologies and design, Таvrida national university the name of V.І.Vernadskyi and National aviation university.

Students were given lectures on "Administrative Justice: to perceive, understand, love", Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAPRN of Ukraine, Judge of the Administrative Court of Cassation of the Supreme Court Semyon Stetsenko. At the end of the lecture there was a lively discussion between the participants of the event. The court staff also kindly conducted a tour of the premises of the structural units of the Supreme Court. Participants visited the office, thus having the opportunity to see how cases are registered; The courtroom and the deliberation room of judges are a separate room of the court, intended for the judges to discuss the consequences of consideration of cases and decision-making on them.

We are grateful for the opportunity for students to clearly see the work of some structural units of the Armed Forces.
