Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



September 15, 2021, a scientific and technical seminar on "Industry 4.0. innovative technologies of design and production ", which were organized jointly with the engineering company TECHNOPOLIS (Kyiv) and Kyiv National University Technologies and Design, as well as the Department of Applied Mechanics and Machines, Faculty of Mechanics and Computer Technology, with the involvement of leading specialists in the field of mechanical engineering.



The meeting was attended by representatives of various enterprises and educational institutions of Ukraine: NGO “Red Wave”, Svessky Pump Plant, Energoproekt Institute, DITC Contact, GE Antonov, NUHT, Institute of Materials and Alloys and many others.

The main topics were discussed at the seminar:

  • PTC Creo Parametric 8 – new opportunities for design and manufacturing;
  • Industry 4.0 – Technologies for monitoring industrial equipment and moving assets in production. On the example of implemented projects in Ukraine;
  • PTC AR technologies for training;
  • TopSolid CAD – a global solution for production;
  • Rules of etiquette in business correspondence;

Volodymyr Statsenko, Vice–Rector for Digital Transformations of KNUTD, and Dmytro Trunov, General Director of EC Technopolis, presented introductory speeches.



Speech "CAD PTC Creo Parametric 8 – new opportunities for design and manufacturing" was presented by Dmytro Trunov, General Director of EC Technopolis.



During the report were considered the peculiarities of designing sheet metal products, parts obtained by casting and metal–cutting machines. Particular attention was paid to the new features of Creo Parametric 8. It was interesting to learn about the capabilities of the computer–aided design system Creo Parametric 8 in 3D printing, optimization of structures by weight and strength, new capabilities for working with old files and complex surfaces.

Attendees were interested in the speech "Industry 4.0 – Technologies for monitoring industrial equipment and transfer of assets in production. Implemented cases in Ukraine ", speaker Andriy Orobchenko, head of the department of computing systems EC TECHNOPOLIS.



The speech was devoted to Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, directly considered technologies of monitoring, control, optimization of technological processes with the use of Winnum system – a global provider of solutions for industrial Internet of Things. Winnum's solution allows full control and remote monitoring and diagnostics of any equipment containing controllers. Thus, the monitoring of the operating enterprise of Ukraine that applied this system was demonstrated online.

Also, during the seminar, the peculiarities of designing in the environment were considered: "TopSolid CAM – a global solution for production", the speaker – Sergey Stavruk, the leading engineer of EC Technopolis on CAD–technologies. 



A relatively new CAD system in Ukraine was presented – the TopSolid automated projection system (France), which is used by thousands of enterprises around the world.

In the course of discussions on the topic, were revealed the peculiarities of the development of the technological process of manufacturing parts, the problems that may arise and methods of their elimination.

An interesting topic was "Business correspondence. Tools for influencing a partner in the conditions of COVID–19" speaker Iryna Bushmina, business etiquette coach – CEO & Founder “Business Etiquette Academy”, which was dedicated to communication skills and behavior in business meetings through various means of communication.



There was a lot of discussion between students and speaker.

The last speech was devoted to the topic "AR-technologies for the training of specialists in the field of mechanical engineering" – speaker Dmytro Bezugly, a graduate student of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Machines, KNUTD.

He told about the possibilities of the Vuforia software product (PTC) and its application in the educational process in the preparation of higher education students.



Each speech usually ended with Q&A sessions.



The seminar ended with a discussion of educational–professional and educational–scientific programs of mechanical and IT specialties of the university.

As a result of the discussion, general recommendations were reached on the application of modern technologies of design and manufacturing in the educational process, as well as plans and further actions aimed at closer cooperation with the engineering company "TECHNOPOLIS" and its partners. As a result, a preliminary agreement was reached on the introduction of the CAD system TopSolid (France) in the educational process starting from the 2022–23 academic year in the training of specialists studying in the educational and professional programs "Mechanical Engineering" and "3D Printing Engineering".
