Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Rewarding of students-participants of Eco-quest 2021

Since 2015, the student government together with the scientific group Eco-club of KNUTD organizes Eco-quest for first year students.

This year, more than 100 brave, energetic, powerful, motivated freshmen united in 21 teams dared to test their strength in the traditional Eco-quest.

The teams passed 13 locations located in different parts of the university. At these locations, students had to perform tasks that allowed them to show their environmental awareness, knowledge of the university, the composition of the administration, teamwork skills, sports and creative abilities.

The route and the correctness of the tasks were monitored by volunteers.

The purpose of the event is to draw the attention of staff and students to environmental issues, to acquaint first-year students with the territory of the university, the location of departments, chairs and deans, to encourage young people to a healthy lifestyle, and to identify and unite active freshmen.

On October 13, the students who took part in Eco-Quest of KNUTD were awarded. Diplomas for the participating teams and winners were presented by Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Activity (Educational Activity) Oksana Morhulets.

The winner of the Eco-quest was the team of the Faculty of Fashion Industry. The second place was won by the team of the Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies, the third place was taken by the team of the Faculty of Economics and Business.

We congratulate the participants on the success of the competition and wish everyone to remain active, energetic and persistent throughout the school year and remember the importance of environmental aspects of our daily lives.

The Eco-club expresses its gratitude to the university management for the constant support in all activities of the ecological-educational direction on the way to sustainable development.
