Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Open lecture with the participation of a representative of the Limited Liability Company "HYUNDAI ROTEM UKRAINE RMS" for students of the Institute of Engineering and Information Technology

In Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, jn October 29, 2021, an open lecture was conducted for students majoring in specialties 123 "Computer Engineering", 124 "Systems Analysis" and 141 "Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" on the topic: "Practical implementation of professional competencies in the fields computer and electrical engineering ". Nazariy Ivanyuk, an engineer of HYUNDAI ROTEM UKRAINE RMS LLC, a graduate of the Department of Computer Engineering and Electromechanics, was involved in the lecture.

During the lecture, the issues of formation of students' knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for further successful employment were covered.

The importance of the ability of graduates to practical use of professional competencies acquired in the process of training in the fields of electrical engineering and information technology was emphasized.

There is a demand for specialists in computer engineering, systems analysis and electrical engineering at modern enterprises in industry, transport, consumer services.


After the open lecture Nazariy Ivanyuk answered the questions of students who were interested in the use of modern software and hardware, the peculiarities of the work of engineers and technicians, the prospects for further employment.
