Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Lecture by prof. R. Milasius at the Faculty of Fashion Industry

As part of international cooperation, the Faculty of Fashion Industry hosted a lecture by Professor Rimvidas Milasius from Kaunas University of Technology (Republic of Lithuania) on "International Cooperation: Problems and Opportunities for Young Researchers" for undergraduate, graduate and PhD students majoring in 182 Consumer Industry Technologies, 015 Vocational Education. Consumer Industry Technologies and 132 Materials Science, as well as for teachers’ staff.


The lecture covered the issues of academic mobility of young scientists in the framework of research activities: participation in international projects and presentation of their research results at international conferences abroad.

After the lecture, those present had the opportunity to get answers to the questions about mobility opportunities and possible cooperation with scientists from the Kaunas University of Technology.

The Faculty of Fashion Industry of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design looking forward to furthering cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design of the Kaunas University of Technology both in the direction of expanding opportunities for academic mobility, for example, within Erasmus + programs and in joint research activities.


The event was carried out within the framework of a joint Lithuanian-Ukraine science and research project “Knitted Materials for Personal Protective Equipment against Mechanical and Flame Damages (PERPROKNIT)” supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Research Council of Lithuania.
