Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Congratulations to students of the Department of Computer Science, the Faculty of ICT, on their victory in the International Student Research Paper Competition “Black Sea Science-2022”

Students of our University were among the winners of the International Student Research Paper Competition “Black Sea Science-2022”.

In the nomination “Information Technologies, Automation and Robotics”, 1st place with the work “The use of web-technologies in the problem of hostel digitalization” was won by Daria Liakhovska and Diana Kochuk, the students majoring in “Computer Science” at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (Head – Tetiana Astistova, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science).



The competition work “The use of web-technologies in the problem of hostel digitalization” is devoted to the issue of digitalization of hostels based on the development of two modules: module for electronic registration and module for monitoring indoor air. The first module - e-registration module, can be used at any university or other organization that requires automation of the registration process of people in hostels and accounting for the current state of occupancy of the hostel in real time. The use of this software product will reduce the time spent by the staff involved in organizing the registration process, and, as a consequence, will cut the accommodation rate.

Daria Liakhovska, student of Group БІТск-20 and her presentation of the electronic registration module in hostels


The second module is the indoor air monitoring module, which will allow tracking data in the hostel room, sending notifications about their changes responding quickly to dangerous situations in case of deviations from the standard and facilitating prediction of possible accidents and their elimination in real time and remotely.



The module for monitoring indoor air indicators was developed by Diana Kochuk, of Group MгIT-21


The International Student Research Paper Competition “Black Sea Science-2022” is held annually at Odesa National University of Technology with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine led by the Black Sea Universities Network and ISEKI-Food Association, in collaboration with the Central European Researchers Journal.

225 works were presented in the competition, including 45 works from foreign universities, 16 of which were developed in cooperation with Ukrainian higher education institutions, 27 works from ONTU and 10 from ONTU colleges, and 143 works from other Ukrainian institutions. The works came from 27 foreign universities such as the universities in the USA, Germany, India, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Serbia, Poland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria, and Moldova.

The jury of the Competition included 117 specialists-scientists, 73 of them were from 19 foreign countries: the USA, Germany, Switzerland, Angola, Benin, Italy, China, Turkey, Pakistan, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Poland, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Slovakia, Georgia, Bulgaria, and Moldova.

