Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



The greatness of a nation consists of the greatness of its great people. One of such well-known Ukrainian scientists representing Ukraine at the world level is Vasyl Hryhorovych Kremen, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, full member (academician) of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, member of many scientific societies, honorary doctor of many universities, People’s Deputy of Ukraine of the 3rd convocation (1998-2000), Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine (2000-2005), President of “Znannia” Society of Ukraine. We who communicate with him confirm this. His figure is formed not only by the rise of scientific thought but also by the solution to many daily scientific and educational problems.

In the educational and academic community we constantly hear, “Let’s rely on Kremen, he knows, he is able, he anticipates, warns, he will find a way out, and will not let anyone down!” He is like that, the real Vasyl Kremen. Wise, far-sighted, persistent, tactful, tolerant, and committed to people. And courageous as well. Because nowadays, being a captain in the stormy sea of reality is not enough to steer the ship of the Academy on the right course of knowledge only. It is necessary to support the collective and protect it from troubles.

Vasyl Hryhorovych has the highest scientific titles and state awards and has been on the ruling Olympus for many years. But all this does not overshadow the main thing – he is a man of a generous soul, passionately in love with his native Ukraine.

He is a philosopher who skillfully puts high matters at the service of each of us. His scientific and managerial work is the wings for educators and the country in general. Because the philosophy of Kremen presupposes the creation of good. And Hryhoriy Skovoroda wrote that when a person’s spirit is cheerful, thoughts are calm, the heart is peaceful, then everything is bright, happy, and blissful. This is the philosophy. This is exactly the philosophy that Kremen states.

It has been very hard to be Kremen for all the years of independence. The impossible is required from him, then something almost adventurous is offered – try, understand, give way to the intelligent and support their work, do not lose human dignity and academic nationality … He is doing!

Vasyl Hryhorovych is well aware that most of today’s problems arise from the fascination with new (or those that are considered to be so) ideas without their prior study. Therefore, the analyst Kremen always and in everything predicts the outcome of a decision, and is guided by this. Progress is based on him and people like him.


On behalf of the staff of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, congratulations on the occasion of your Jubilee!



June 25, 2022
