Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Results XXІI International Competition for Young Designers “Pecherski Kashtany”


The summer at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design began with beauty and creativity. In the period from June 5 to June 20, the University hosted the International Competition for Young Designers “Pecherski Kashtany”. For twenty-two years in a row, the participants amaze us with their originality, craftsmanship, and captivation with inexhaustible beauty.

Every year more than 300 contestants from different cities in Ukraine, Europe, and around the world take part in the competition.

The main idea of the competition has always been and will remain to find a changing language of communication between young people and the art of costume, going beyond everyday life, frankly demonstrating ‘provocative’ ideas in the form and decoration of the image of the costume.

Last year, a remote system for submitting applications, presentations, reviewing works, and evaluating collections by the jury members was developed to meet all requirements for preventing the spread of coronavirus infection. The introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine made it impossible to hold the competition in the usual format for us. Therefore, it was decided to hold the competition remotely, maintaining its level and importance for students. After all, the “Pecherski Kashtany” competition is an opportunity to show yourself and show the world the creative potential of Ukraine.

The competition was held in two stages:

the first – participants prepared their works and sent them for evaluation (a professional jury remotely reviewed works and decided to pass to the next final stage);

the second – the final (professional and competent jury discussed and approved the evaluations, and determined the winners).

On June 20, 2022, the jury members of the Clothing Competition gathered to approve the results, and select the winners of the competition and the nominee for the Grand Prix.


Winners of the CLOTHING contest


On June 22, 2022, the jury members of the Shoes and Accessories Competition gathered to approve the results, and select the winners of the competition and the nominee for the Grand Prix.


Winners of the SHOES AND ACCESSORIES competition

Winners of the TEXTILE competition


Congratulations to the winners!

We wish you further creative path, inspiration, and conquest of the peaks!


Participants will be able to receive diplomas and certificates remotely.

