Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Advanced Polymer Materials and Technology 11 October 2022 IV International Scientific Conference


Dear colleagues!

We invite you, to participate in the IV International Conference "Advanced Polymer Materials and Technologies". The conference is held to promote scientific achievements in processing of polymers and chemical fibers, to exchange experiences between the educational institutions of Ukraine, academic institutions, companies, business community, to discuss the problems of training specialists for the chemical industry of Ukraine in wartime.

Conference topics:

  • Innovative technologies of polymeric materials and related areas
  • Advanced technologies of chemical fibers and textile materials
  • Polymers in pharmacy
  • Biopolymers and biotechnologies
  • Ecology and environmental protection technologies

The conference will be held on October 11, 2022 in a mixed format in two locations: KNUTD (Kyiv, 2 Nemyrovycha-Danchenko St.) and Lviv Polytechnic University. Participants can join the conference remotely on the ZOOM platform. All participants can join to the Conference remotely via Zoom.

Contact information: tel. +38(044) 256-84-75, e-mail:
