Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On September 30, 2022, first-year students of the department of Interior and Furniture Design with their curator Oleksandra Shmelova-Nesterenko, visited the exhibition of collages “CUTOUT AGAIN!” organized by the Ukrainian workshop of modern collage “Cutout Collage Festival & Studio”.

The curators of the exhibition, Annette Sagal and Kateryna Syta, gave an interesting and meaningful lecture-excursion to the exhibition, where they familiarized the visitors with the presented works, the features of modern collage art and its role in today's realities. After the excursion, the organizers offered to visit their workshop and hold a collage master class for students.

Also, on September 30, 2022, third-year students of the Department of Interior and Furniture Design together with Svitlana Ostapyk, a teacher of the "Interior Design" discipline, attended a seminar in the TColor Kyiv salon - the official representative office of San Marco materials.

Oleksii Vedmid, the owner and head of the TColor Kyiv studio, held a very interesting lecture and master class on applying a decorative coating for visitors.

Students got acquainted with modern finishing materials: paints, decorative plasters and coatings, received valuable information and a new visual experience. The second part of the lesson was a master class, where every student had the opportunity to apply a decorative coating to a sample.

On October 5, 2022, students of the third and fourth years of the department of Interior and Furniture Design together with the teacher of the discipline "Furniture Design" Ruslan Ahliullin visited the furniture company WOODsystems .

Oleh Kriuchkov, one of the company's owners, and designer Olha Kukharenko conducted an interesting and informative seminar. The organizers talked about the company and the peculiarities of working with the design project and the customer, about the stages of production, various materials and components for the manufacture of furniture, and also gladly and in detail answered the students' questions.

The department of Interior Design and Furniture expresses its gratitude to the organizers of all held seminars and excursions for their time, hospitality and new, informative information that our students received.

We wish all organizers creative inspiration and new achievements!

