Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



On December 12, 2022, as part of the expert activities of the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, 1050 universities from 85 countries were ranked that have successfully demonstrated the improvement of their university strategic activities to achieve the Global Sustainable Development Goals in all aspects of their scientific and educational activities in 2022.

This year, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design has taken a number of strategic steps to improve the position of our university in the world ranking by 71 points from 847 (out of 956 universities) to 776 (out of 1050 universities) compared to last year. At the same time, in the national ranking, KNUTD has risen from 15th to 8th place in the overall ranking, and to 4th place in the Education and Research segment!

We have achieved such an outstanding result due to the painstaking and purposeful work of all KNUTD`s departments and personal participation of the rector Dr. Ivan Gryshchenko, who initiated the development of "THE STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF KYIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGIES AND DESIGN UNTIL 2030", adopted by the KNUTD Academic Council. The strategy has become a logical summary of the results of the implementation of existing programs to improve the economic, social and environmental aspects of the University's activities as part of the implementation of the University's Mission, which is to promote the sustainable development of the region and the country, to meet the needs of the population in education, regardless of place of residence/stay; in training competitive professionals for the economy; in active participation in the personal development of each person, his education and improvement of abilities.

In line with its strategic plan, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design joined the UI Green Metric World University Ranking for the first time in 2020 in an effort to highlight the importance of socially responsible and environmentally sustainable behaviour.

It should be noted that the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings is a very difficult ranking in terms of the need to submit calculations, presentation materials, and perform specific activities. So, for example, the KNUTD report consists of 54 descriptive blocks presented on almost 100 pages!

Congratulations to all the staff of our University on achieving world-class results. We express our special thanks to the employees of KNUTD, who personally participated in the preparation of materials for participation in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings -2022.
