Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



The Faculty of Arts and Fashion of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design systematically organizes meetings with stakeholders to discuss and improve the educational and professional programs of the specialty 182 “Technology of light industry” in order to improve the quality of training of competitive future experts.

On December 15, 2022, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Modeling and Artistic Decoration of Clothing (DMADC) held a round table with stakeholders from the academic community, employers, graduates, and seekers of higher education regarding the public discussion of the educational and professional program (EPP) “Modeling, design and artistic decoration of light industry products”, the specialty 182 “Technologies of light industry” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education. The event was attended by Lyudmila Zubkova, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Fashion, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, members of the working group on the development of the EPP and scientific and pedagogical workers, graduates, post-graduate students, students of KNUTD.

The moderator of the round table was Nataliya Ostapenko, Head of the Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, who addressed the participants with an opening speech and emphasized the importance of involving stakeholders in the development and updating of the EPP in order to improve program learning outcomes in accordance with modern trends in the development of the labor market and positive practices in the region.

The moderator emphasized the uniqueness of the program, embedded in the very name of the EPP “Modeling, design and artistic decoration of light industry products” and consists in the development of modern and promising aesthetic models of clothing of various silhouette, volumetric and spatial forms and color and texture solutions, accessories and their collections, starting from sketches and ending with the production of a wide range of products in the fashion industry. The chairwoman also informed the participants of the round table about the changes in the EPP:

- due to the structuring of the University’s subdivisions, as a result of which the Department became part of the Faculty of Arts and Fashion with a new name;

- regarding the appointment of a new EPP guarantor and the composition of the working group.

Representatives of the stakeholders from among employers took part in the discussion and made suggestions regarding the improvement of the EPP for training seekers of higher education at the bachelor’s level:

Lyudmila Ivanova – director of DANA-MODA LLC;

Bohdana Zagriychuk – design engineer of "Ukrtekstil" LLC;

Tamara Shashko – head of the Department of Standardization and Improvement of the Assortment of Sewn Products of TDV “UkrNDIshveyprom”;

Iryna Strepka – designer-modeler of TD “Promin” LLC;

Andriy Yeshchenko – executive director of Information Computer Systems LLC (Gracia Clothing CAD);

Olena Vospitannikova – director of the design studio “Fur-Fur”, and others.

External stakeholders shared general positive impressions of the educational program after its last update, as well as provided suggestions regarding the points of the educational components and the need to deepen the study of certain topics to improve the quality of training of seekers for the EPP.

The discussion of the educational and professional program was also attended by stakeholders from the academic community, scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions of Ukraine who train specialists in the specialty 182 “Technologies of light industry”:

Mykola Ryabchikov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Lutsk National Technical University);

Lyudmyla Nazarchuk – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Lutsk National Technical University);

Larysa Krasniuk – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Khmelnytskyi National University);

Maria Artemenko – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Kherson National Technical University).

Colleagues shared their own experience of training specialists in higher education institutions of Ukraine and, together with employers, generally favorably evaluated the content of the educational and professional program “Modeling, design and artistic decoration of light industry products”, specialty 182 “Technologies of light industry” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education.

During the discussion, Mykola Ryabchikov drew attention to the section of the EPP on employability of graduates, advised to use innovative forms of education more carefully, include in the EPP educational components with a volume of 6 or more credits, noted the logically interconnected system of educational components (EC) of the educational program; Larysa Krasniuk emphasized the qualitative and quantitative balance of the educational components of the educational program, which contribute to the formation of general and professional competences, as well as the achievement of program learning outcomes; Maria Artemenko emphasized the positive features of the program – the high level of implementation of scientific developments by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department, as well as the active participation of students in scientific work, in particular in real projects.

Scientific and pedagogical workers took part in the work of the round table of the University, namely: Maryna Kolosnichenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Kalyna Pashkevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Olha Yezhova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor; Natalia Chuprina, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Art History, Professor; Tetyana Lutsker, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Tetyana Struminska, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Iryna Prykhodko-Kononenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, doctoral student; Alla Rubanka, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, doctoral student; Halyna Oliynyk, Doctor of Philosophy; Yulia Vesela, assistant; Yana Mamchenko, graduate student.

The discussion was attended by the representatives of stakeholders from the number of graduates Kateryna Tarasova, Olena Tolstosheeva, and students of higher education Lada Hlibko, Sofia Bondarchuk, Oleksiy Aharkov.

Based on suggestions and comments of the stakeholders at the online meeting, a few changes regarding the components of educational components and the need to deepen the study of certain topics were agreed upon, they will be discussed at the department meeting and appropriate decisions will be made. The moderator summarized the recommendations for further improvement of the educational program, as well as thanked the participants of the round table for their productive work, and expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation.
