Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Participation of KNUTD in the training of the UN Industrial Development Organization project

KNUTD took part in the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) project "Global Program of Eco-Industrial Parks: Implementation at the Local Level". The training was held at the International Vienna Center (Vienna, Austria) from 20 to 24 February 2023. The working meeting was attended by representatives from the government, in particular the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Association of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine, universities and business. KNUTD was presented by Vice-Rector for Educational Activities Oksana Morhulets and Head of the Department of Smart Economics Anna Oleshko.

This training focuses on key objectives: to gain capacities in eco-industrial parks development for Ukrainian stakeholders; to exchange lessons learnt in eco-industrial parks development among countries.

The speakers were: Christian Susan – Program Manager; Rana Pratap Singh and Mr Alessandro Flammini – Project Managers GEIPP Ukraine, UNIDO; Mr Branko Dunjic – International RECP Expert, UNIDO; Mr Dick van Beers – International and Independent Sustainability Professional; Mr Anton Kleshchov – Intro to UNIDO EIP; Ms Viktoriia Shkolna – National EIP Policy Expert, UNIDO.

The following issues were discussed during the training:

  • experience in the development of eco-industrial parks;
  • planning in the concept of eco-industrial park and master plan, review of tools;
  • implementation of eco-industrial parks;
  • monitoring tools for eco-industrial parks;
  • tools for monitoring resource-efficient and cleaner production, tools for industrial symbiosis;
  • park management service tools;
  • financing the development of eco-industrial parks.

The members of the working group also visited eco-industrial parks in Austria – EcoPlus Business Park, Wiener Neustadt Technopole TFZ, Green Tech Valley and Poland – Katowice Special Economic Zone (KSSE), Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing (SA&AM).


Eco-industrial parks are the key to inclusive and sustainable industrial development, as they promote cross-industry and community collaboration for common benefits related to economic, social and environmental performance. By mainstreaming and upscaling eco-industrial parks, countries can develop a more competitive and resilient industrial manufacturing base. This is one of the main goal’s of the Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP) developed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). It is important to align EIP approaches across countries where UNIDO is working, by sharing successful experiences and learning from each other. It is also important to use the same tools, and to contribute together to their development.

UNIDO developed a toolkit to help countries identify the best entry points for the successful implementation of eco-industrial parks, as well as guide park management and industrial park companies in the process. The toolkit offers industrial park managers and policymakers the right tools to scale up efforts and reap the social, economic and environmental benefits they entail. The tools provide step-by-step guidance to assess an industrial park against the International

Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks and subsequently identify, priorities, plan, manage and monitor eco-industrial park initiatives. They also help identify and implement RECP action and industrial symbiosis in a given eco-industrial park. In addition, the tools provide a structure for monitoring the implementation of eco-industrial park approaches. Further tools are being designed on the eco-industrial park concept and master planning, mapping value-added services by park management as well as facilitating access to finance.

On February 24, 2023, at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Government approved the Strategy for the Development of Industrial Parks until 2030. This decision is intended to accelerate the transformation of industrial parks into drivers of economic growth for the country, while contributing to the transformation of industrial parks based on the modules of the eco-industrial park (
