Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Excursion to the Production Company "MR" by students and teachers of the Department of Mechanical Engineering

01.03.2023 students and teachers of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechatronics and Computer Technologies visited the Production Company "MR". This excursion is one in a series of events about familiarization with modern stakeholder enterprises for students studying in the educational programs 131 Applied Mechanics and 133 Industrial Engineering. Teacher of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Yuriy Kovalev, Ph.D. and Serhii Koshel, Ph.D. together with students got acquainted with the stages of production and technological equipment of the enterprise. Vitaly Hrebenets, a graduate of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, led the excursion.

Production Company "MR" is a modern metalworking company with almost 20 years of professional work experience, which has more than 100 highly qualified employees who ensure the operation of more than thirty modern CNC machines. A significant indicator of the successful operation of the production is the monthly shipment of more than 100 tons of finished parts to Ukrainian and foreign partners.

Understanding of such knowledge-intensive modern productions is an additional incentive for training and professional development of future engineers. The Department of Mechanical Engineering is proud that our graduates are successfully employed at the company.
