Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Open lectures from the Engineering Company "Technopolis" for students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering

Practical training is an integral part of the education of a future engineer in a higher education institution. Practical training is connected with the use of a modern information complex, specialized software. That is why one of the tasks of the department of mechanical engineering is to find reliable partners and stakeholders who can share experience and intellectual baggage with students.

Such an important partner of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the University is the Engineering Company "Technopolis", cooperation with which is long-term and successful. EC "Technopolis" is the official distributor of TopSolid specialized software in Ukraine, which includes combined CAD/CAM systems for design, engineering and processing of machine parts. EC "Technopolis" within the framework of cooperation provides the University with licensed copies of TopSolid for use in the educational process, in particular, by the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the preparation of students for the educational programs Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering.

A prominent aspect of cooperation is the regular holding of seminars, lectures and trainings by the specialists of EC "Technopolis" for students and teachers of the University with the aim of expanding competences and mastering the skills of working with the TopSolid software complex. Recent open lecture was held as part of practical training for students of various years of study and educational programs, in particular, students of BMB-22, BPM-22, BMB-21, BPM-19, BPMsk-21 groups were present. Serhiy Stavruk, the leading CAD engineer of Technopolis Engineering Company, gave the lecture. It is worth noting that Serhii Volodymyrovych is involved in the educational process of the Department of Mechanical Engineering as a recognized expert, and is also a permanent head of practice.

Mutually beneficial cooperation with stakeholders and partners of the University, maintaining close ties is an important aspect of the work of a modern higher education institution. The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Faculty of Mechatronics and Computer Technologies works fruitfully in this field, primarily to improve the quality of the educational process of training future engineers.
